Welcome to my website
My work involves the reception of classical antiquity in English and Modern Greek: two fields of particular interest are Pindar and Herodotus. I am also interested in English–Greek literary relations in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
Publications and papers include:
“Ezra Pound’s Ragbag: The Cantos as Cento”, in Cento-Texts in the Making: Aesthetics and Poetics of Cento-Techniques from Homer to Zong!, ed. Manuel Baumbach (Trier, 2022), pp. 21-40
“The Modern Poet and the Herodotean Mirror”, Herodotus Helpline, July 2020 [Presentation]
“Poem as Inscription: Ezra Pound to Ian Hamilton Finlay”, Fleshing Out Words, University of Warwick, March 2019
“I sailed never with Cadmus: Modernism’s Thebes”, Classical Association Conference, Leicester, April 2018
“Starlight and Electric Light: Seamus Heaney’s Greece”, in Landscapes of Irish and Greek Poets, ed. Joanna Kruczkowska (Oxford: Lang, 2018), pp. 31–50.
(with Rose Little) “‘In a Different Light’: Imagining Greece in Elizabeth Taylor and Barbara Pym”, in Greece in British Women’s Literary Imagination 1913–2013, ed. Eleni Papargyriou, Semele Assinder and David Holton (Lang, 2017)
“Betty Radice and the Survival of Classics”, in Women Classical Scholars: Unsealing the Fountain from the Renaissance to Jacqueline de Romilly, ed. Rosie Wyles and Edith Hall (OUP, 2016).
“Tin Wreaths and Broken Statues: Ezra Pound, Commemoration and the Classical Text”, at the conference Remembering Conflict from Ancient Greece to the Great War, UCL, June 2015
“Plato, Seferis and Heaney: Poetry as Redress”, in Re-Imagining the Past: Antiquity and Modern Greek Culture, ed. Dimitris Tziovas (OUP, 2014), pp. 318-329
“Evelyn Waugh’s Sword of Honour and the Fall of Crete” at the conference From Kornaros to Kazantzakis: Language, Culture, Society and History in Crete, University of Cambridge, June 2014
“‘Si credere dignum est’: Crediting the Georgics from Browning to Hill” at the conference New Perspectives on Virgil’s Georgics, UCL, April 2014
“Joyce’s Greek” at the workshop Modernism and Non-translation, Durham University, July 2013
“Greek in Joyce / Joyce in Greek”at the conference Greece in Translation, University of Oxford, October 2012
“‘Purple Shining Lilies’: Imagining the Aeneid in Contemporary Poetry”, in Living Classics: Greece and Rome in Contemporary Poetry in English, ed. S. J. Harrison (OUP, 2009), pp. 238-54
(with Aristea Komninelli), «Κερδίζοντας το παιχνίδι των λέξεων» [Winning the Game of Words], Mandragoras 38 (Spring 2008), 56–57. [An account of Kapsaskis’ translation of Joyce’s Ulysses into Modern Greek.]
“The Reception of Pindar in English Poetry 1820-2009”, Unpublished paper, 2009
“This Tart Fable: Daphne and Apollo in Modern Women’s Poetry”, in Laughing With Medusa: Classical Myth and Feminist Thought, edited by Miriam Lawrence and Vanda Zajko (OUP, 2006), pp. 381-98
“The Waste Land και «Η Έρημη Χώρα»”, Themata Logotechnias, 22 (Jan-April 2003), 97-110 [Αn article on Seferis’ Greek translation of Eliot’s The Waste Land, re-published in Greek.]
“Moments and Metamorphoses: Virginia Woolf’s Greece”, Comparative Literature, 51 (1999), 217-42
“On Not Knowing Greek: The Classics and the Woman of Letters”, Classical Journal, 78 (1983), 337-49
“Ernest Dowson and the Classics”, Yearbook of English Studies, 3 (1973), 243-52.
Website maintained by Rowena Fowler
Last updated 19 November 2024